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Sattama, a Sanskrit word means transcendence. The name come coincidentally by combining his real name (Satria Utama). His works seeks to translate deformation, chaos, and also symbolism in visual term.


My work is trying to educates in very certain current issues, and flexible. It also can be expended to other images. I loves to play around with colors, composition as well as the elements and principals in every artworks.

Chekri Mansor

Pelukis dan pemuzik


Pelukis muda, berbakat dalam menghasilkan karya Realisma Foto


Pelukis muda yang berbakat dalam seni kontemporari

Friday, May 13, 2005

Siti Zainon Ismail

SITI ZAINON ISMAIL Pengkaji seni budaya warisan Melayu, adalah seniman penyair dan pelukis ini adalah puteri kelahiran Gombak, Kuala Lumpur (18 Disember 1949). Berdarah keturunan Melayu - Minang - Batubara, Jawa - Banjar. Juga diasuh oleh 'ayah kedua' berketurunan Acheh-Patanni. Mendapat pendidikan asas di Sekolah Rendah Setapak, Kuala Lumpur dan Sekolah Rendah Langgar, Kota Bharu ( 1956- 1957-1961) dan seterusnya ke Sekolah Menengah Aminudin Baki (SAB), Kuala Lumpur (1962-1968). Beliau mengaji dengan abah dan 'ayah Mat' yang juga memberinya cerita wayang kulit. Di Kota Bharu juga beliau mula belajar mencolek kain batik. Di SAB beliau dilatih oleh guru senilukis Idris Haji Salam sehingga ia bergabung pula dengan Angkatan Pelukis Semenanjung (APS, 1964-1968). Oleh minatnya kepada seni lukis beliau melanjut ke pendidikan seni di Institut Seni Indonesia (ASRI) jurusan Seni Lukis (1970-1973). Beliau merupakan pelajar seni lukis yang kerap memenangi Anugerah Sketsa Kartini (1970-1973). Selama di ASRI turut bergabung dengan Sanggar Dewata dan turut pameran keliling Jawa. Pada bulan Februari 1974 pulang ke tanahair bertugas sebagai Jurulatih seni lukis di Kementerian Kebudayaan Belia dan Sukan (1974-1976). Seterusnya sebagai tutor di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ( 1976) dan lulus Sarjana Sastera (UKM. 1980). Ph.D (UM. 1992). Hingga kini masih mengajar di Pusat Bahasa. Kesusasteraan dan Kebudayaan Melayu dalam bidang kepakarannya Seni Budaya Warisan (kursus Kesenian Melayu Tradisional. Pemerian Budaya Benda, Tekstil dan Busana Melayu, Sejarah dan Teori Penghayatan Seni, Penulisan Kreatif). Beliau juga adalah Felow Penyelidik ATMA (1995-1996) dan Pengarah Kebudayaan UKM (1996-1999). Sekarang adalah Profesor di UKM.
Seniman Penyair-PelukisBeliau adalah penyair pelukis wanita yang terus aktif. Kerap mewakili negara dalam membaca puisi, pameran lukisan dan seminar seni budaya seluruh tanahair dan juga di peringkat antarabangsa seperti di Filipina (1976). Bhopal. India (1985). Berlin Barat ( 1985, 2000) Soeul Korea (1986). Indonesia (Aceh, Bali, Jakarta. Jambi, Lombok. Makassar. Padang. Riau, Palembang, Yogyakarta 1983-1998). Thailand ( 1986,1989, 1990). Perancis (1986), Berlin (1986). London (1986,1990,1992), Australia(1993), Singapura(1990,1995), Hamburg (2000), Russia (2003). Begitu juga puisi-puisi dan cerpen beliau telah diterjemah ke pelbagai bahasa seperti BuIgaria, Hindi, Inggeris, Korea, Urdhu, Jepun, Perancis, Thai dan Russia.
Terbitan Penulisan Akademik : Jalur dan Warna (Fajar Bakti, 1985), Rekabentuk Kraftangan Melayu Tradisi(DBP, 1986), Percikan Seni (DBP,1988), Lambang Sari Gamelan Trengganu (bersarna Harun Mat Piah, UKM, 1988), Tekstil Tenunan Melayu (DBP1994), Alam Puisi (DBP,1994), Busana Melayu Johor (Fajar Bakti 1997). The Tradisional Handicraft Design(DBP, 1997). Zikir Pelangi -The Rainbow ( Galeri Melora, 2000) dan enarn judul dalarn proses penerbitan.

Penulisan Kreatif
Puisi: Nyanyian Malam (DBP 1976, 2003 ), Puisi Putih Sang Kekasih (UKM 1984), Perkasihan Subuh (Bulan Bintang. 1987). Dongeng Siti Kecil (Teks 1998), Daun-daun Muda ( 1986), Bunga-bunga Bulan (Creative, 1992). The Moon is a Candle(DBP, 1992), Ibunda -Mother (Unit Kebudayaan UKM, 1995). Taman-taman Kejadian (Galeri Melora, 1996)
Cerpen: Seri Padma (DBP, 1984), Attar Lembah Mawar (Marwilis, 1988), Bunga Putik Putih (DBP, 1991 ), Kampung Paya Kami ( Galeri Melora, 1998), Nyanyian Orang Laut (bersama Rahamad, Galert Melora 2000), Jurai Padma (DBP, 2000)
Novel: Remang Flamboyan (Fajar Bakti 1995), Pulau Renek Ungu (DBP, 1996)

Anugerah Hadiah Sastera Malaysia (puisi 1975,1976,1979,1983, 1985, 19891, Hadiah Maybank- DBP (cerpen 1996/97/98), S.E.A. Write Award ( 1989), Gelar Cut Nyak Fakinah (Lembaga Adat Aceh -MUI 1990), Anugerah Tan Seri Fatimah-Avon (1993), Pingat Jasa Kebaktian (Negeri Selangor, 1993), Prof Luar Biasa (Universitas Jabal Ghafur, 1996), Pingat Setia Mahkota Selangor (2002).
Bunga-bunga bulan
Judul : Bunga-bunga bulan
Pengarang : Siti Zainon Ismail
Genre : Kumpulan Puisi
Mukasurat : 197 halaman
Cetakan Pertama : 1992
Sketsa dan Puisi (1969-1989)

Sesuatu yang unik tentang buku sketsa dan puisi "Bunga-Bunga Bulan" ini ialah kesungguhan Siti Zainon Ismail merakamkan setiap nota, komentar dan surat-surat sahabat beliau di dalam puisi-puisinya. Keindahan puisi itu dapat dirasakan apalah pada setiap puisi dikembarkan dengan catatan sahabat kepada ataupun terhadap beliau. Misalnya, nota bertulis tangan dari T. Alias Taib disusun bersebelahan dengan puisi Siti Zainon yang berjudul "Bicara Alias". Malah bukan itu sahaja, buku ini juga memuatkan nota-nota persahabatan oleh penyair antarabangsa dan tempatan. Tidak kurang juga dengan sketsa-sketsa Siti Zainon berserta rencana-rencana mengenai beliau.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Haris Ribut


Harris Ribut was born on Carey Island, Selangor on September 8, 1951. He started off as a street-painter back in 1976 which lead to a job as a paste-up artist at several publishing houses,until he ended became an Art Director. A few years stint as a reporter for a newspaper lead to the post of sub-editor. He started painting full-time in the early nineties from the house of APS to the Artist Colony at Jalan Conlay KL.


Harris first encounter with his "fat lady" on canvas was just by fate, his mother to be exact. The solid mass of the woman body with their graceful movement were his muse. "An anecdote for worldly misery" noted Harris. Humorous at first look but a sincere perspective of reality. Through their daily chores and activities, dance and Chit-chat series that he usually deals with, he managed to convey beauty and subtleties of movement of his fat ladies. Big but not heavy, fat but not ugly; Passion rather than lust.

Subject: Figure & Form
Style: Contemporary Art
Medium: Oil & Acrylic
Type: Fine Art
Size: 58.4cm x 81.3cm
Availability: Sold

Ajis Mohamad


Ajis as he is affectionately known, is an authentic, one of a kind marine life artist in Malaysia. This brilliant young artist is a professionally certified diver who spent the better part of his life researching his subject matter, in order to relay accurate depictions of his arresting paintings to his audiences.


Part of his research included experimenting with different techniques on discovering the perfect tools to use when painting underwater with no damage to any marine life whatsoever. After an arduous year, he stumbled upon the answer; immersing his canvas in a special solution for a period of time to acclimatise it, when all is ready, he would do his diving paraphernalia, and armed with the necessary equipment, embark on yet another aquatic adventure.

His perceptions as far as his art goes are nothing short of astounding. Ajis’s sonata reverberates with fervent beauty and eclectic enchantment. Viewing his artwork is akin to an encapsulated underwater austerity evident only in the crevices of one’s imagination. His characters are startlingly three dimensional, able to transport the most skeptic and cynical minds into the unexplored realm of the solus ocean.

This artist’s journey appears to be a long and grappling one, for the ocean holds vast secrets impossible to decipher, and according to him, has only managed to barely scratch. She is the highest echelon of God’s creation, existing long before dinosaurs or Man, and will continue to exist even long after we perish. He is humbled and awed by this revelation and is honoured to be a part of this magnificence.

An ardent reader of mythology and philosophy, he paints to the recorded sounds of waves crashing, seagulls cachinatory ritual cries and the wind billowing. This provides the ‘mood’ and ideal setting for him to weave his creations into life - a constant reality that afloats in his mind.

It is decidedly difficult to keep his buoyancy and at the same time caricaturing the constantly motion life of underwater beings, and not to disrupt the natural ecology of his subjects’ domicile. He does this with skilled celerity and parsimonious sensitivity.
Choosing the perfect time to work includes several trips to determine wind velocity, underwater currents and potential detrimental aspects that would ruin visibility or keep him from working coherently but he enjoys the thrills of working in a risky and unpredictable environment.

Ajis is an artist with vision and integrity, and he harbours the desire to extend help to others embarking on the same journey. He craves to do the best that he can, a mantra he repeats to himself daily, a means of motivation from a self-taught artist who knew and understood what pain and struggle was all about firsthand, but persevered despite the odds.

His work is a window to his very own world, and he is the heraldic messenger inundating his audiences. He is a perfectionist and all his creations speak for themselves.

Ajis’s work will transport them to a celestial underwater world of insouciance, where miracles are the way of life and the mephitic above is nothing but a distant memory, at least for a while…

Subject: Nautical
Style: Realism
Medium: Oil & Acrylic
Type: Fine Art
Size: 107 x 76 cm
Availability: Sold

Ahmad Shukri Elias


A.Shukri Elias was born on April 11,1960 at Alor Setar, Kedah.
Shook, to his friends started as a batik designer in Penang in 1980. He was then a graphic artist at the Universiti Saints Malaysia, producing illustration for schoolbooks. 1982 to 1986, Shook pursued his studies and graduated with a BFA in Art & Design from University Tecnologi MARA.


Shook started producing serious works while doing other activities. He was a freelance designer,a resident artist at a beach resort and a part-time
lecture at UITM and a few art colleges. He also
set up a gallery "Kiara Gallery" and taught children art classes from home. Shook kept producing and exhibiting in many exhibition organized by the National Art Gallery, from Young
Contemporaries, annual Open Shows to the Phillip Morris Art Award..From 1997, Shook started producing works full time and ended up meeting the others at the Conlay Artist colony in 1998. Shook is currently lecturing in Visual Arts at the faculty of Performing Arts, University Technology MARA.
Shukri's work is very aggressive and spontaneous, his art deals with the journey of life through human emotion.

Subject: Figure & Form
Style: Abstract
Medium: Oil & Acrylic
Type: Fine Art
Size: 107cm x 104cm
Availability: Collection

Dr. Sulaiman Esa

The Malaysian Government put forward its Islamisation programme by which of imploring the inculcation of Islamic values in various facets of the Malay/Muslim existence in 1982. Although the modernist artists had utilised motifs from Islamic calligraphy much earlier, it was to be that until the 1980s that Islam boldly emerged to the fore of Malaysian Modern Art. Hence the emergence of Dr. Sulaiman Esa, who through his relentless quest for an inherent and innate aesthetic, rejected secular, internationalist and multicultural frames and called for a strict adherence to Islamic fundamentals in the production of contemporary art. Dr. Sulaiman has championed the application of Islamic principles in his contemporary idiom both in his work and his polemics. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Dr. Sulaiman's artistic delving were purely in abstract form, integrating Islamic geometry with unmistakable Malay traditional crafts in a commendable attempt to remould modernism and post modernism within the sanctity of Islam and within the realms of the increasing influence of Malay nationalism

Subject: Spiritual
Style: Post Modern
Medium: Mixed Media
Type: Fine Art
Size: 75 x 48.5cm

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