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Friday, May 06, 2005

Yusuf Ghani

"I remember his first solo at Citra (Gallery) in 1989. It was highly successful. The response was tremendous." - Julinda Tay, Citra Gallery, Malaysia.

"We never show artists who are just out of school, but with Yusof we did, and it was a very well received show." - Gail Enns, Anton Gallery Owner, Washington, D.C.

Topeng Series.

Originally a graphic artist in Malaysia between 1969 to 1979, Yusof's transition to fine arts started when he received a government grant to study graphic arts at George Mason University, Virginia, in 1979. It was there that he met Walter Kravitz, a professor in painting, who introduced him to fine arts.
He soon became interested in the works of American Abstract Expressionists - Pollock and de Kooning. And after receiving the Dr. Burt Amanda Scholarship for the most outstanding student of art, Yusof took classes in fine arts and eventually graduated with a Bachelor's degree. He then continued to work for a Master's Degree at Catholic University in Washington, D.C., and met Professor Wayang/Play
Wayang Series.
Tom Nakashima who taught him the finer points in painting.

After he completed his Master's degree, he had his first solo exhibition at the prestigous Anton Gallery in Washington, D.C. His "Protest" series, which protested the U.S. intervention in Nicaragua and El Salvador at that time, was well received and even drew rave review from Washington Post's art critic - Jo Ann Lewis.

Upon returning to Malaysia, Yusof continued to work with a series of collections called "Tari" (Dance), "Topeng" (Mask), "Wayang" (Play), and most recently - "Hijau" (Green). Since then, he has had successful exhibitions in Singapore, San Francisco, London, Abu Dhabi, New Delhi, Tokyo, Madrid, and off course - Malaysia. His collectors are from all over the world.

Yusof Ghani is currently a fine arts instructor at the University Technology MARA, in Malaysia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Latif,
I've been following your websites, and I must compliment you on your works. I really admire the fact that you are a full-time artist, and you live in a KAMPUNG! maybe i'm overidealizing, but i remember when my teacher asked us to draw our dream house, i drew a rumah atap!
OK, About Yusof Ghani, I fell in love with his art at first glance when I was 18. I just bought SEGERAK Yusof Ghani by Muliyadi Mahamood. It's really amazing.
Keep up your good work of introducing Malaysian artists to the world (through your blog).
I'd like to call myself a full-time artist too. I just graduated but not with an art degree. I don't quite agree with art education. I am setting up my own website at
It's very sketchy, but I'm trying to set up a Malaysian art blog. Maybe you can help me.
Anyway, I live in Penang, not in a kampung, but still a lovely island. :)
I have most of my works at
OK, keep up the inspiration.
You can write me at
We should start an art revolution in Malaysia!;p


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